Landfill Construction / Landfill Gas
Glacier has over twenty-five years experience constructing and/or expanding landfills and performing capping and closure services. Glacier experience working for municipal and industrial landfill owners includes: construction of landfill cells, processing of onsite materials to produce engineered bedding, drainage and cover soil layers, installation of LFG wells, fusion welding of HDPE gas and leachate piping, supply and installation of automated condensate and leachate control and pumping systems, and construction of blower/flare stations
Landfill Gas UpgradeAt this Eastern Washington facility, Glacier constructed a methane collection system in an existing landfill area including installation of 18 vertical gas collection wells, over 75,000 feet of 4-inch to 36-inch diameter horizontal gas collection and conveyance piping, a blower/flare facility and motor control center. The blower/flare facility includes 50 and 100 Horsepower blowers, a 72-inch condensate knockout and 60 foot enclosed ground flare and control.
Cell ConstructionAt this Eastern Washington landfill, Glacier constructed the second phase cell. In addition to 35,000 cubic yards of excavation to required, Glacier also screen processed 20,000 cubic yards of site material to generate specified bedding and cover soil. Liner work included 14,000 square feet of geosynthetic clay liner, 60 mil HDPE geomembrane and geocomposite drainage layer. Work also included roadwork, drainiage berms and swales and repair of existing geomembrane.
Gas Collection and Blower/Flare FacilityGlacier was responsible for the installation of a LFG system at the Northern California Landfill. Work included drilling and installation of 600 feet of vertical LFG gas well and over 7,000 feet of fusion welded HDPE gas and condensate piping. Site work included grading, concrete and utilities to support a PLC controlled 800 scfm/28 MM Btu/hr. flare station. Glacier provided all equipment, instrumentation and startup of this turnkey system.